Time For a (Job) Change

I’ve always been passionate about Firefox in the enterprise. When I started Kaply Consulting eight years ago, I had always hoped that my primary work would be around enterprise Firefox. Unfortunately, that never really happened; enterprise work is less than 5% of what I do. So I do a lot of other work to support the things that I’m most passionate about. As those obligations have become bigger and bigger, I’ve found less and less time to work on the CCK2 and other enterprise related projects which I believe are important to the future of Firefox.

At the same time, with the changes coming to the way extensions are done in Mozilla, I even wondered if I wanted to continue doing what I do. After watching a video of myself (skip to 6:30) speaking about Mozilla 11 years ago, I came to the conclusion that Mozilla is in my blood. Heck, I’ve been doing this stuff since before Mozilla even existed (can you say Netscape 2.0.2?)

Combined with the increasing costs of being self employed and the increasing needs of my family, I’ve decided the best way forward for me and my family is to become a company man again.

And what better company to work for then…


Yes, after years of working ON Mozilla, I’m finally working FOR Mozilla.

And I’m quite excited about the opportunity. I’ll be working on the partner distribution team at Mozilla.

I will continue to do enterprise work on the side as long as it doesn’t conflict with any of my Mozilla work, so there’s no need to worry about that. And since I won’t have to juggle as many things, I should have more free time to work on the CCK2.

TL;DR – I’m going to work for Mozilla. Kaply Consulting will still do CCK2 and enterprise.


13 responses to “Time For a (Job) Change”

  1. Chris Finke Avatar
    Chris Finke


  2. It’s a big change but I’m sure you will make the leap to “company man” with your usual ease and grace. They are lucky to get you full time.

  3. Padraig Rocks Avatar
    Padraig Rocks

    Best of luck with your new appointment- hope it works well for you.

  4. \o/ Does this mean you’ll create a MSI installer for enterprise/corp deployments? That’s something that’s been talked about for years but hung up on red tape (The infamous Bug 231062 – (MSI) Provide Firefox MSI package [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=231062]). Even Chrome has a MSI installer and has had it since 2010. Meanwhile we’ve debated about it since 2004 with nothing to show for it.

    Obviously you already know the story about this very well. Just mentioning it for others. ๐Ÿ˜›

    I actually have hope you’re the *one* man that can finally get the ball rolling on this. I don’t know how naive that is but one can hope right? ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yes, this are clear words and the best wish ever.

  5. Wow you really know how to pull on the feeler chains! I wasn’t expecting your announcement to end this way! Congratulations and what better fit for both!

  6. Good luck working for Mozilla. …And, I hope I mean that in the straightforward way, and not the facetious way. A lot of people are saying Mozilla may be doomed. I hope you can talk sense into them, since they seem to keep doing things to reduce the number of their users.

  7. Pascal Chevrel Avatar
    Pascal Chevrel

    Congrats and welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Mike Kaply Avatar
      Mike Kaply


  8. You lucky guy. I still haven’t been able to put Mozilla as a company on my resume. ๐Ÿ™‚ As a product I customize for my employers, yes, but I’ve never had the pleasure of working for Mozilla itself.

    1. Mike Kaply Avatar
      Mike Kaply


  9. Congratulations. Can we take this as an indication that Mozilla will be putting more resources into enterprise and the ESR?

    1. Mike Kaply Avatar
      Mike Kaply

      I can’t promise that, but I’m hopeful.

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